An art blog less about process and theory, and more of a portfolio for me to dump my nonsense. Updates M, W, F, or whenever I feel like it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ork Boyz

To those of you who are not familiar with Warhammer or Warhammer 40k, they are a series of tabletop strategy games where participants collect, assemble, and paint massive amounts of figurines which they then pit against each other at the whim of fist-fulls of six-sided dice. I got into it in high school, but it can be a severely expensive hobby and finding the right people to play with can sometimes be a challenge. One of my favorite aspects was that even though any model you put on the table had distinct rules for the unit it represented, you could have the model look like anything you wanted by putting together stock pieces in creative ways and adding bits of card, metal and clay. The process of deviating from what the standard packaged model is supposed to look like is called conversion, and some people take it to an extreme.

All that being said, I took some extra space-orks that I had and made this display of an ork metal band. "Waaaaagh" is what orks say. . . always. . . and constantly. Senior year of high-school I brought it to my local gaming store where it still resides in a glass case alongside some far worthier local artist conversions.

Their music probably sounds like this:
Each ork is about an inch tall. All of their equipment is made of bits of weapons and tank pieces, and the drummer has a line of enemy helmets like that ewok in ROTJ.

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