An art blog less about process and theory, and more of a portfolio for me to dump my nonsense. Updates M, W, F, or whenever I feel like it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Presidents of Yesterday . . .

. . . TODAY!!!!!!

Here's the first of a string of themed comic gags:

I plan on doing more, but I need to stop worrying about the jokes not making sense because time-traveling presidents is already a stretch. More to come I hope!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

A day late, I know, but I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend filled with good company, zany antics, and most importantly, a fair amount of frightening small children. I find this last bit to be the most important aspect of the entire holiday.

I had such a blast over the entire weekend that I'm already looking forward to next year's Halloween, though the upcoming holiday season is definitely worth getting excited over as well. If there truly is anything better than scaring trick-or-treaters, it's family and mashed potatoes.

 Lysergic Acid (LSD) and God.

    The many faces (and mouths) of dropping acid:

That does happen to be the actual chemical structure reconstructed with some distressingly furry pipe cleaners. I was quite proud of the face paint which I don't think is half bad for being self-administered.